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5 Benefits of e-Statements

Posted in Security, Financial Tips

E-Statements are the electronic version of your account statements. Conveniently available in your Bank First online banking account, you have access to 18 months of statements which can be downloaded as a .csv for use in spreadsheets, or in formats compatible with Microsoft Money, QuickBooks (2005 & newer), or Quicken (2005 & newer).

There are several benefits of e-Statements and today, we'll give you our top five:

  1. Immediate Availability. Once enrolled in e-Statements, you will receive an email as soon as your statement is available. Simply login to Bank First Online Banking, select the account from the home menu, then click the"Documents" tab.
  2. Convenient Access. As mentioned above, you have convenient access to18 months of account statements right in Online Banking.
  3. Reduced Clutter. Eliminate the clutter of paper and simply store and retrieve past statements. No more digging through files - it's easy to look up your statement with a click of a button.
  4. Increased Security. Identity theft consistently occurs through the mail or improperly discarded documents containing sensitive information. E-Statements simply protect your information better than paper statements.
  5. E-Statements are Free & Green. It costs nothing to switch to e-Statements and have access to every transaction in your account, including check images. Plus, e-Statements reduce paper consumption and are an easy way to be more earth-friendly.

Visit our e-Statements page to learn more and see how easy it is for you to sign up!

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