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Earth Day Money Saving Tips

Posted in Security, Financial Tips

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22! If you are searching for ways to celebrate, a simple internet search can provide an abundance of resources and ways for you to implement earth-friendly habits at home or at work. Today, we’re highlighting a few ways for you to go green, save green, and reduce your paper clutter.

  • Choose paperless statements for utilities and any account statement when possible. Paperless statements are a simple, earth-friendly way you can reduce paper clutter and securely access your account statements. Learn more about paperless statements at Bank First.
  • Make money smart choices, such as meal planning to decrease trips to the grocery store or utilize reusable water bottles versus plastic bottles.
  • Reduce energy consumption which could not only save energy, but possibly even save you money over time. Some possibilities are: set your heat at a slightly lower temperature (or air conditioning at a higher temperature), only run your dishwasher when it’s full (and turn off the heat cycle), turn off the lights when you leave a room, or unplug unnecessary appliances when not in use.
  • Save for energy-efficient appliances or upgrades with a dedicated savings account at Bank First. Call or visit your local Bank First office to get started today!
  • If home improvements and energy-saving solutions are in your plans for this year, a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) at Bank First may be a beneficial solution for you. Visit with your local Bank First relationship manager to learn more! 
  • Safely shred and dispose of old confidential documents at a Bank First Shred Event. Find an event at a location near you.

Should you need assistance signing up for paperless statements, opening a dedicated savings account, or inquiring if a HELOC is the right solution for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Bank First office.

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