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Free Credit Reports

Posted in Financial Tips

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published an article about the importance of checking your credit report. And if you haven’t heard the great news, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are continuing to offer free weekly credit reports in 2022.

The accuracy of your credit report is very important and could influence your loan rates, credit card approvals, insurance costs, and even where you live. Other than lenders, some landlords, utility services, and prospective employers may check your credit report.

Checking your credit report can also help you spot identity theft and fraud. The FTC states* with a regular review of your report, you can see if someone is misusing your personal information to run up charges on your credit cards, apply for new credit or an account in your name, or to steal your identity. The quicker you spot this type of fraud, the quicker you can take action to stop it and correct the errors.

Access your credit report for free at or call 877-322-8228. Read the reports carefully and dispute mistakes by contacting the credit bureau and business that reported the information. If identity theft has occurred, has resources to help you with your recovery plan.

Fraud and scams reminder: please contact your local Bank First office right away if you suspect identity theft has occurred, if you have provided bank account information, passwords to your online banking, or paid funds as a result of fraud attempts or scams.


*Read the FTC article:

Check your credit report and access helpful videos about your credit report:

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