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Reflecting Back and Moving Forward

Posted in Financial Tips

It is hard to believe we are wrapping up 2021! The year has continued to be anything but normal which may have thrown a wrench in many of our plans, including where we had hoped to be financially. So where do we go from here?

  • Did you blow your budget... repeatedly? Know that it’s never too late to start again. Take another look at your budget, see where it needs to be reworked, and try again. Budgeting helps you set long-term goals and create a savings plan to reach those goals. Don’t give up!
  • Plan for the holidays - they will be here before you know it! From dinner plans to gifts for family and friends, be sure to make a list to help you stay organized. Stick to your budget to keep from overspending and keep your eyes open for deals over the next several weeks. Inventory and extended shipping times continue to be a challenge, and to combat this your favorite stores may be offering earlier than normal specials to encourage advance purchases.
  • If money is tight this year, talk about gift-giving alternatives with your family and friends. You may find that you aren’t the only one with limited funds. Together, you may come up with more creative ways to celebrate the season.
  • Find the positives. The Thanksgiving holiday gives us an opportunity to develop one of the healthiest habits of all - being grateful. Studies show that having an attitude of gratitude can improve your overall outlook on life and even your health. It may sound cliché, but if you are having a hard time finding something to be thankful for, a simple online search can provide you with 10, 300, or 1,000 things to be thankful for in life, even when times are difficult.
  • As the year comes to end, it’s a great time to take a peek over the last year and determine where you want to be in the coming year and beyond. Setting measurable personal, financial, or work-related goals gives you something to strive for, helping you to actively take control of your life and see results.

We are here to help you reach your next goal - whether it’s to buy your dream home, start a new business, or save for your next big purchase. Connect with a representative at your local Bank First office when creating your plan of action.

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